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8.17  Term expansion

8.17.1  Definite clause grammars

Definite clause grammars are a useful notation to express grammar rules. However the ISO reference does not include them, so they should be considered as a system dependent feature. Definite clause grammars are an extension of context-free grammars. A grammar rule is of the form:

head --> body.

--> is a predefined infix operator (section 8.14.10).

Here are some features of definite clause grammars:

A grammar rule is nothing but a “syntactic sugar” for a Prolog clause. Each grammar rule accepts as input a list of terminals (tokens), parses a prefix of this list and gives as output the rest of this list (possibly enlarged). This rest is generally parsed later. So, each a grammar rule is translated into a Prolog clause that explicitly the manages the list. Two arguments are then added: the input list (Start) and the output list (End). For instance:

p --> q.

is translated into:

p(Start, End) :- q(Start, End).

Extra arguments can be provided and the body of the rule can contain several non-terminals. Example:

p(X, Y) -->
        r(X, Y),

is translated into:

p(X, Y, Start, End) :-
        q(X, Start, A),
        r(X, Y, A, B),
        s(Y, B, End).

Terminals are translated using unification:

assign(X,Y) --> left(X), [:=], right(Y), [;].

is translated into:

assign(X,Y,Start,End) :-
        left(X, Start, A),
        right(Y, B, C),

Terminals appearing on the left-hand side of a rule are connected to the output argument of the head.

It is possible to include a call to a prolog predicate enclosing it in curly brackets (to distinguish them from non-terminals):

assign(X,Y) --> left(X), [:=], right(Y0), {Y is Y0 }, [;].

is translated into:

assign(X,Y,Start,End) :-
        left(X, Start, A),
        right(Y0, B, C),
        Y is Y0,

Cut, disjunction and if-then(-else) are translated literally (and do not need to be enclosed in curly brackets).

8.17.2  expand_term/2, term_expansion/2


expand_term(?term, ?term)
term_expansion(?term, ?term)


expand_term(Term1, Term2) succeeds if Term2 is a transformation of Term1. The transformation steps are as follows:

term_expansion(Term1, Term2) is a hook predicate allowing the user to define a specific transformation.

The GNU Prolog compiler (section 4.4) automatically calls expand_term/2 on each Term1 read in. However, in the current release, only DCG transformation are done by the compiler (i.e. term_expansion/2 cannot be used). To use term_expansion/2, it is necessary to call expand_term/2 explicitly.




GNU Prolog predicate.

8.17.3  phrase/3, phrase/2


phrase(?term, ?list, ?list)
phrase(?term, ?list)


phrase(Phrase, List, Remainder) succeeds if the list List is in the language defined by the grammar rule body Phrase. Remainder is what remains of the list after a phrase has been found.

phrase(Phrase, List) is equivalent to phrase(Phrase, List, []).


Phrase is a variable  instantiation_error
Phrase is neither a variable nor a callable term  type_error(callable, Phrase)
List is neither a list nor a partial list  type_error(list, List)
Remainder is neither a list nor a partial list  type_error(list, Remainder)


GNU Prolog predicates.

Copyright (C) 1999-2021 Daniel Diaz Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved. More about the copyright
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